Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2, 2008

Alright eveyone!! I know this isn't the right way to blog on this space, but until my sister in law (Marjorie) figures it out & then explains it to me step by step (I'm kind of direction impaired!!) we'll just do it this way..
So, tomorrow starts my 7th week!! So far I still have "some" hair!! It's just short & for me, VERY thin!! This week was my hardest yet! Not the Chemo days (that starts tomorrow) but my recovery days! I couldn't seem to shake the dizzy, sleepy feeling this time. I haven't had any energy Monday, Tuesday or today. I could hardly keep my eyes open at work. I felt like my skin was crawling away, very irritating! DrC was very nice & concerned, but for a minute there I thought he was telling me that I needed to quit. He said he wasn't & was just worried about me, so whew!! I am still employed, for the time being.. Just teasing, DrC & everyone @ work have been so helpful! As well as my friends, neighbors & Family! I love you all. I really do!
I joke alot about my chemo TX because it makes it less "real". I'm trying to be positive about it all, and figure out what I'm supposed to learn from this trial. I know one thing, it's to be a better friend. To all of you that have felt forgotten, I'm sorry. I hope you know that I'm just not a phone talker & when I have time, I actually like to stay home. I'm sorry. I want to be there for all of you. I promise I'll try harder. Well, I'll sign out for now, but I'll try to write an "update" on Sunday. Love you all, Tona


Andy said...

This is a great way to share what your going thru, Sweetie. I love you!

grandma C said...

This is a great idea to blog. Will keep us informed but will also give you a journal and save some energy for you in not having to explain a gizillion times because that's how many friends, family, inlaws, outlaws all want to know how you are doing. So know you are loved by many especially me (sub mom) and I put your name on the prayer roll each week at the temple!
Keep smiling and enjoy the milk shakes....
love ya,

Momma Leisa said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Only 4 days til Monday!!!
Hang in there!
Momma Leisa