Ok, ok, so I slacked off! I got older, then summer began..Plus I figured all of you were getting pretty bored with my weekly blogs. I mean, really, same thing week after week after week.. There's only so much porcelain talk one person can handle!
Thanks for your posts! You all ROCK! Kira & Angela, you're right, I haven't been taking this whole blogging thing seriously lately. Please find it in your hearts to forgive me.. Susan, hell no, I'm not going to keep blogging, I'm running out of clever things to say. I don't know we'll see. Midgee, I talk to you every day or so... you know wuts up. xo Celest I just posted on your blog, yours is so COOL!! Lacey, I'm sorry to have worried you. I'm still alive!! Ta Da!! Amber I'm glad you're still stalking! How's the pregnancy this go around? xo Jenny, so your house is now 67 degrees, where's my strawberry covered treats? LOL Ang, I can't wait for our facials! That will be such a treat! Thanks to all of you for your concern & uplifting words. Thanks for blogging..
Ok so my update! It's been awhile since I've been on this blog. I was pretending that I no longer had cancer, that I was healthy & active & that my treatments were over. Well guess what? When I came back to reality, just a moment or so ago, I realized.... that this Thursday, June 12th, 2008 might be my last day of CHEMOTHERAPY!!!! No more poison! No more dreaded weekends! I'll give you the break down. I have that one last treatment, then, I'll have a bit of a break, have some more tests & then call it good on the 10th of July! So there's still a bit of a waiting game going on in my head, messing with my emotions! But, all in all, life is good. I've been having a case of the "uglies" again. I know, boo hoo! I agree, I just can't seem to get over it completely. I'll see someone and think, Man, I wish I looked like that! (yes some of you know who & what I mean) then I think, hmmm would I give up what I have to be like that? NO! I wouldn't, but I'd like to look in the mirror & like what I see. I thought about keeping my hair short, it's easy & I've had a lot of people tell me it makes me look younger & most importantly, THINNER! But then I see long, pretty hair & I think, I can't wait to grow my hair out!! UGGGG!!! Who knows. I'm trying not to be so negative about myself. I know it's not healthy. My hubby thinks I'm pretty, he didn't say beautiful, but I'll take pretty. My kids look up to me (for the most part) I think I'm a pretty good example to them. (I'm doing the healthy self talk, in case you were wondering) and I've got wonderful friends & family all around me, what more could a girl ask for. (besides a 24inch waist)
Week before last my family & my sister in law Ang's family went camping, first time this year. It was fun! We figured I could do chemo anywhere. It's just as easy to vomit & be dizzy in the woods as it is at home.. I didn't get sick, just dizzy. Couldn't eat much of the YUMMY camp food though, that was terrible! I did manage to choke down a couple of smores!! We went on a 4.6 mile hike, up to the hot pots!! Yes, I hauled my fat rear end up that trail!! Even Abby, our beloved chub (our dog looks like a seal with legs. So I've heard) made it up & back.. I had to keep telling her she'd get a cookie when we got home.. It seems to keep her motivated! It was fun & it felt great to accomplish that. This last Saturday, Andy & I went on a bike ride. I wanted to see if I'd be able to ride my bike from my house in Spanish Fork, to my work in Springville. Guess what?? I CAN!! We rode all the way there, up main street, over to Andy's folks (for water!! & I had to work on the quilt for the family reunion. I put in my 4 stitches!!! What, I have cancer! DUH!!) Rode up through Mapleton. Then rode to supermarket in SF. Then home!! All together it was over 14 miles!!! WOW!! I'm proud of us! Next week, I'm going to try to go to California to my Nephew's wedding.. We'll see how that pans out!! Momma Lesia, good luck tomorrow! Soon you'll be in the very elite group! THE B'S!!!! You're in my prayers. Thanks for the adorable tea kettle! I love it. Ok, enough is enough!! I'm going to sign off now, I promise I'll check in from time to time. As long as you guys keep reading & posting. I'll for sure let you know what July 10th brings!!! My love goes out to you all!! Keep on Keeping on!!!! love, Poison Girl!!!
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Oh, Tona, I am so glad to hear from you! I do truly hope this is the end of this journey. Good job on the bike ride! I haven't been on a bike since my knee went bad but it sure sounds fun about now. Keep up the good work and I can't wait until July to hear you have some good news!! Love, Lacey
Man! You exhaust me. You should be pulling the cancer card all over the place to get yourself out of stuff...but no...you're hiking and biking and the like. Now I don't have an excuse to not do those things...every time I try to talk myself out of stuff like that I am going to feel guilty because "Poison girl did it." ;D You're incredible!
You're amazing! I feel like a lazy bum now! :) I never do anything but work and sit at home with Pryse! Pregnancy this go around is a breeze!!! I so don't feel prego and I barely look prego! I'm finally 4 1/2 months and we just found out its a GIRL!!! I'm excited to have 2 girls so close together! You should check out my blogs when you get some time! Mine is eversonfam.blogspot.com and Pryse's is pryse.blogspot.com. I just posted a cute video of her! Anyway...I love you and I'm glad to hear its almost over! I hope I see you soon!
Hi Tona! It's good to hear from you. I was also starting to get worried. I figured that no news was bad news so I was excited to find out that I was wrong. I'm so glad that you seem to be doing better. I hope that this is the end of this crazy stuff. Good for you for getting out and going camping. That is a good sign of how you are feeling. The Hamblins are doing great. It's so nice to have a one year old instead of a newborn this summer. We got a bike trailer for Claire and a bike for me and we go on family bike rides all the time. I don't know if this will fit into your life at all but I wanted to let you know that Anita Stansfield is coming to the Provo Library to talk about her books. It's on Wednesday June 25 at 7pm in the Bullock Room, #309. Since you were the one that got me hooked on her, I thought you might be interested. I will be there for sure. I'll be thinking of you and hope you have a great week.
I'm so glad you are back! I've missed you.
ditto to what Kira said! I can't believe you can do all that! You are my hero!
Tona, I have thought alot about you lately. I am so happy that this whole thing is almost done! You are such a great example of a positive attitude! I love your messages and how full of life and humor they are! you are truly an inspiration to all of us! I love you girl! keep it up, niki
OK Tona, you said you would let us know what happened on July 10th. I am starting to worry again. How did everything go? Impatient, I know. Well, I will keep checking back here. Love ya lots, Lacey
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