Tuesday, May 6, 2008

11 weeks!! Down??

Ok, so as you may have noticed, it's not Sunday evening, my normal blogging day... It is however Wednesday morning @ hmmm 12:35 AM!!! UGGGG. Insomnia, AGAIN. First off thanks to all of you for your concern for me. It was amazing how many of you asked if I was "ok" because you checked for my blog & it wasn't there. Thank you, thank you. Not only do I know you care, but that you also "enjoy" my updates. Last week, whew, what a week. Thursday, same old same old. And by same old, I mean, this is getting SO OLD! My worst day, just the norm, slept, offered up my innards to the almighty porcelain idol, slept some more and so on. Friday a little more of Thursdays action. Saturday, just run down. Did manage to clean the kitchen, do the laundry, vacuum & even made the bed.. Dut da da da (imagine the triumphant sound when the super hero arrives!! Ah ha see you know what I'm talking about) Then came SUNDAY, usually a pretty ok day, right? WRONG! It all started around 1:00 AM. Woke up, felt achy, feverish, just OFF! Made it to the bathroom with NO time to spare. My lease, with my food from Saturday, was up!! Tried to go back to sleep, nope, not happening. Went back to idol spot, gave up some more. And morE, and moRE, and mORE, and MORE!! You get the picture. I cried, I prayed, I pleaded! It felt like Thursday was back! You know that saying "kicking BUTT & taking names" well, yes it definitely took every letter of my entire name!! I told Andy, that I was done, that I'm not doing this anymore. That there's no way I can survive this again, over & over! He said "yes there is & YES you will" (usually I hate it when he's right & I'm wrong, however, this time - thanks babe xox) 3 AM came, no change. 4:30, same. Up until 8 AM, I had Andy call DrC for Phenegren (anti nausea, in suppository form - no chance of that coming back UP, just OUT...ewwww erase that mental picture) While Andy talked to DrC, I stayed in the bathroom, wailing (not a whale! Who's calling me fat???) & kicking my feet, kind of looked as if I was throwing a fit (anyone who knows me would know that I do NOT throw fits, just attention getters...)Pharmacy didn't open until 10AM. So being the "no quitter" that I am, I proceeded with my routine. I laid on my bathroom floor with my legs over the tub (I'm too tall for my short bathroom - note to self, next house, lay down in bathroom to see if it's long enough..) I couldn't keep still, very fidgety. My hips hurt from laying on the hard floor. My ribs felt bruised (still do) from the heaving. My throat was on fire! Couldn't even drink my apple juice, it burned. Had to put off taking my regular scheduled Chemo until 11Am. That's when the Phenegren kicked in. I slept & slept. When I woke up I was drenched in sweat. Fever must have broke. Didn't vomit again, but I was exhausted! Around 5:30 PM Meggen started to feel sick. She visited the idol as well. We both stayed home on Monday. Late afternoon I was back to normal - as normal as I can be. Megg slept the entire day. We're guessing that on top of my Chemo sickness, that I also had the FLU! Honestly if I have another one of those days, I'm going to take it up with someone higher!!! I don't know how some people can survive stronger doses of this garbage! Anyone you know of who's gone through this or is going through this, let them know how brave & strong they are. Ok, well it's now 1:21 AM. still not tired but I need to be, have to get up for work in 4 hours.. This blog is LONG, sorry. Thanks again for all of your prayers, and thanks for leaving your comments, they really do pick me up when I'm at my low time!! I love you all!
Kira Joy, I had a STRAWBERRY slushy today from Sonic.... YUMMO!! Tona A.K.A Poison Girl (dut da da da, theme song, remember??) : ) Not sure why my post date reads Tuesday @ 11:31 PM... I'll have to have Andy fix that..


Karie said...

The flu on top of chemo barfing....You are a stud! I'm surprised you didn't end up in the hospital on IV's! You are a super girl, Poison!

Andy said...

If you know Tona like I do, it would be Tah ta ta ta!! (We love Jeff Dunham) She must be feeling better. She's been bossing me around a little more. I think she's making up for Sunday's loss. Sweetie, are you feeling better? At least for another day. Thanks, Sweetness, for reminding me what to do. I'd be lost without you. What that stuff on the dresser for?? Love you!! By the way everyone, I think its somebody's birthday is next week. I don't remember who. Will someone please let me know.

phil &angela said...

Sorry you had such a cruel week. You are so strong. Use your super powers to get to Pismo by noon. We'll walk out on the pier then have lunch at Moe's ok?!Love you so much baby girl!XXOO

The Jensen's said...

allright tona, no more of the @#*!ing puking. this is getting old. poor DRC has to think of you taking meds in your "south town" so it won't come back up..... no really. i couldn't do what you are doing. i would be a total wreck. i can't belive that you can still come to work and make me laugh. even with weekends like that. you are so great. i wish that i could take some of this pain for you or just buy you a shake and movie and this whole nightmare would be over. i guess life isn't that easy. not for girls like us.i can't wait to see you next week. i'm sure we have alot to talk about with our kids and stuff. and tell andy not to forget my mothers birthday next week. it's on the 15th ,i will get him her address if he is sending her flowers. love me