Sunday, April 13, 2008

8 Weeks Down - 2 MONTHS!

Hi y'all! Wow I can't believe I've conquered 2 MONTHS of Chemo... I can finally see the end. (of chemo, not the "END" :) ) Ok, updates for this weeks course.. Thursday, my bad day!! Could hardly stand being alone that day. I don't know why, but sometimes, as long as there's someone in the room, I feel better. Midgee came over after work because she called to see how I was doing & I broke down in tears. I tried to tell her she didn't need to come over, but she came anyways. Persistent little POOP (I've taught you well..) I'm so glad she came over. Lifted my spirits. Friday I was very off balance & SICK!! Yup, visited the porcelain idol again!! Tara brought us Chili & jello jigglers Yummy. I "rented" that meal, but it sure was tasty going down. Saturday - We went to a baptism, it felt good to be in the chapel. Haven't been to church since before starting Chemo. It was a beautiful day, sun shining, warmth on my face. Made me forget for a minute that WE are all going through this. Susan brought us taco salad & STRAWBERRY ice cream (and mint cookies, but I hid those- I'm not sharing :) )! Normally I can eat salad, but not this time. (makes me so angry, because I never know what I'll be able to stomach) Sunday, no issues, except I'm TIRED. But who isn't. Went to Ang's for a birthday party for the girls. It was good to see Andy's family. Then Andy took me for a drive, not to get rid of me, just to get me out of the house.. I've gotten snappy with a few of you (Megg & Andy) sorry, I'm just tired of being tired & sick of being sick. I complain that laundry isn't done & the kitchen is a mess, then I get mad because I'm cleaning it up.. I know that's frustrating to my family. Just a reminder, I still have O.C.D!! Andy said I should mention besides the Chemo, what happens during all of this. I get a CBC (complete blood count) done ever so often. They're trying to get my red cell count up & my white cell count down. I'm anemic, my immune system is low, my eyelashes are falling out (I haven't lost any hair on my head for 2 weeks now!!) The steroids I'm on make me swollen. The other one for non duplication of my DNA (or something like that) makes my skin crawl!! Basically, I'm sick & tired all the time. We have until middle of June on this course of Chemo. Then we'll see. Thanks for all that you do to keep me positive. I'll catch you up next Sunday. My love to you all, Tona


The Jensen's said...

half way whew whooooo!!!!!!! thursday was hard wasn't it. i am so sorry that i can't be there all the time. megg said that today (sun.) wasn't to bad, compared to most. when i called you were in the shower. getting ready for work tomorrow? this will be a good week, i can feel it. come sit with me and chat for about 8-9 hrs. hahahahaha. love you and just keep being strong. and any one that knows you, will forgive you for being "snappy". they know that it's the chemo, even me..... but if you snapped at me i would probably cry.

Unknown said...

Tona, I hope that you wera able to eat a few of the strawberries. I would be more than happy to make you some raspberry truffles as long as the weather stays cool for a few more days. You can save them for about a month or a little more if you keep them cool and dry. I'll get started on them today. (Chocolate not so great still?) By the way you are fantastic. You are a great example and hero to all your friends, family, EVERYONE!!! I love you tons. Keep up your happy face. You can get through this. I can come sit with you on my days off if you want/need someone to be with. I love chick flicks and would really love a day with you. Love... Your friend Jenny. (p.s. this is my son's log on. I'll set up my own as soon as one of my kids can do it for me.)

Karie said...

It was great seeing you the other day! I hope you can figure out to post pictures, call me if you have any problems and I can try and walk you through it.
You are so funny talking about losing hair and eye lashes and being snappy...I'm not going through chemo and I have less hair and eyelashes and I'm way more snappy than you! At least you have a excuse....what's mine? You are fabulishous (even when you feel horrible)!

phil &angela said...

You are Beautiful! Losing your hair means the treatments are working!When your hair grows back you will honestly be able to say that every day is a good hair day!
We love you baby girl.Stay strong!